For Christmas, one of my gifts was a food dehydrator. I had been looking forward to using it to make some fruit leather. Growing up, my mom used to make apricot fruit leather for us, and I wanted to try it out. My grandpa Stickney has a nice apricot tree and he let me come pick some to have. I took them home, cut them in half to get the pit out, and used my blender to make it into a purée. I just kind of tested it to see how much sugar it needed, making it sweeter if I thought it would be better, then I spread it on each dehydrator tray. After rotating the trays for about 5 hours I decided they were done. But turned out that wax paper was not the right choice to have the fruit leather on. :( Second try I used plastic wrap, and it turned out delicious!! I still had some more purée so I filled up my trays for a third time. After about an hour my dehydrator started making a weird noise. Kinda what a air mattress pump sounds like, aka not good. All of a sudden, the dehydrator stopped making any noise and won't turn on again. :( So basically those trays went to waste as well as the rest of my apricots. Sad day! But hopefully I can get it fixed or replaced soon! That dehydrator was pretty awesome up until it died. R.I.P. Dehydrator.
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